As part of our review process, we may reach out to you to gather further information or verify certain transaction activity in order to keep your account secure.
There’s likely nothing wrong with your account, but this is just a routine check that we’re legally obligated to perform. This is in line with the regulatory requirements issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).
As a Major Payment Institution, we’re required to comply with MAS requirements and help ensure that YouTrip remains a secure payment platform for everyone that can mitigate the risks of fraud, identity theft, money laundering, and other illicit activities.
To find out more, you may refer to MAS' official explanation here.
We appreciate your patience and cooperation in helping us with the verification.
If in doubt about the authenticity of an email you've received, don't share any personal or account information first but give us a call at +65 6904 9334 (between 9 am to 6 pm daily) instead.