When you pay for petrol using your YouTrip card or any Visa/Mastercard at a petrol pump in Malaysia, you might notice a temporary hold of a specific amount (RM200) from the available limit on your account. This is not a double charge, it is simply a pre-authorisation sum charged to verify that the card is active and has sufficient balance before the fuel transaction.
After the fuel transaction is completed, the petrol station will send a notification of the final amount payable. Any unutilized amount from the pre-authorisation sum should typically be released back into the card within 3 to 5 working days, depending on the petrol station you use. Some petrol stations release the hold as soon as the payment has been processed, while others might take a few days to release it.
So, rest assured that you are not charged twice for petrol. You may also refer to our blog article (Understanding Petrol Holding Fees: Why Are There Pre-Authorised Transactions On Your YouTrip Card When You Pump Petrol Across The Causeway?) to learn more.