If you’re experiencing difficulty making payments with your Physical card, here’s what you can do.
Try different merchants
Try making payments at 1 or 2 more different physical merchants or as contactless fare payments on public buses and trains. If it works, it means the initial merchant may not support our card.
Try different payment methods first
Try contactless PayWave, chip insertion or magnetic stripe (overseas only). You can also try adding your card to Apple Pay or Google Pay and make contactless payments via Apple Pay or Google Pay if the merchant supports them.
Ordering a replacement card
If your Physical card continues to fail with different merchants and payment methods, order a replacement card,
- Tap the ‘Cards’ icon on the YouTrip app homepage
- Toggle to the Physical Card
- Tap ‘Manage’ and select ‘Card Replacement’
- Check your address. If you need to update your residential address, you can refer to this FAQ here to learn how to update your residential address.
- You may need to enter your Debit/Credit card details for the card replacement fee of SGD 10 to be charged if you have never added a linked bank card via the Top-Up function.
- Tap ‘Slide to Order’
For more information on why your transactions may be not going through, please refer to this FAQ to learn more about declined or rejected transactions.