Requesting a Refund
To cancel or change your travel policy, kindly contact our partner insurer, HL Assurance Pte. Ltd, directly at Include your policy number and your request in the subject header. An example would be as follow: YouTrip - Policy Number - Change of travel dates
All refund updates will be sent via email. You can also call them at +65 67020202 (9 am to 6 pm from Monday to Friday) to check on your refund status.
Submitting a Claim
If you have a travel claim, kindly submit your claim online within 30 days after the occurrence or contact our partner insurer, HL Assurance Pte. Ltd, directly at Include your policy number and your request in the subject header. An example would be as follow: YouTrip - Policy Number - Claim
All claim updates will be sent via email. You can also call them at +65 69226003 (9 am to 6 pm from Monday to Friday) to check on your claim status.
Emergency Assistance
If you require any other travel and emergency assistance, please contact their 24-hour Emergency Hotline at +65 69226009.